ACVR Examination

Preliminary & Certifying Examination News

The exams will now be offered TWICE per year starting in 2022

Big News!

The ACVR is pleased to announce that, starting August 2022, the DI and EDI preliminary and certifying examinations will be offered twice yearly (February and August).  Candidates are able to take the examination at either administration providing they meet the eligibility criteria. This change will allow greater flexibility for our trainees in their path to Board Certification.

Stay tuned for more information on the specific 2022 dates.



If you are taking the exam in 2021, keep in mind the following…

DI Certifying:
Exam Dates: December 8th and 9th , 2021
Exam Times: Session 1: 10 AM CST; Session 2: 2 PM CST

EDI Certifying:
Exam Dates: December 9th, 2021
Exam Times: Session 1: 9:30 AM CST; Session 2: 2 PM CST

DI Preliminary
Exam Dates: December 9th, 2021
Exam Times: Session 1: 10 AM CST; Session 2: 12:30 PM CST

If you haven’t already, please have your proctor complete the appropriate proctor form (below).
Certifying: 1

Proctors can be a diplomate of any college (does not need to be an ACVR diplomate), an on-site testing center, a staff member or administrator at your practice. A proctor cannot be a person with a conflict of interest, such as a family member.

Computer shipping information will be requested/confirmed soon.

Examination instructions and proctor instructions are attached. This information will also be posted in Discourse under the ACVR Residents, Examination threads.

Please let us know if you have questions in advance of the exams.



Last but not least, the exam committee has posted past exam questions for candidates to review.  Take a look! It may be a bit different than what you normally write for reports at your institution.