Meeting Abstract Submissions

Once the abstracts are submitted and accepted, successful authors will be asked to video record their scientific presentation

Click here to submit your abstract.


Please review the eligibility rules:

Abstract online submission deadline: 11:59 pm (PDT) June 14, 2021

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  • Abstract online submission deadline: 11:59 pm (PDT) June 14, 2021.
  • The abstract must be submitted through the online system. Edits and updates may be performed at any time prior to clicking the Complete Submission button. Changes will not be permitted after submission is completed. Proofread your abstract to identify and correct any errors prior to submission. The abstract will appear as submitted in a future issue of Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound and the 2021 Annual Scientific Conference Proceedings.
  • As of 4/7/2021 ACVR’s Annual Scientific Meeting will be Hybrid with the Abstracts recorded. Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance and the final plan presentation method in early July. The allotted time for abstracts accepted for oral presentation will depend on the number of abstracts selected.
  • Abstracts will be subject to blind peer review. The title, abstract, and figures should not contain author names, institution names, location, or identifying information.
  • The American College of Veterinary Radiology requires that all abstracts submitted for scientific presentation at its annual scientific assembly be original work, not previously presented at other national or international radiological society meetings and not previously submitted for publication prior to the abstract submission deadline date. Exceptions will be considered by the Scientific Committee for abstracts presented in non-English languages or to other specialties. Abstracts presented elsewhere must be identified with the specific meeting and presentation date. The conditions for use by ACVR are outlined in the following PDF, and an electronic signature will be requested during the abstract submission process.


Abstract Submission Format

Each abstract submitted for the 2021 ACVR Annual Scientific Conference will require two abstract formats; short and long abstracts. Submission details are outlined below.

  • Title: limited to 20 words. This title will be used in electronic and print publications. Common abbreviations may be used sparingly.
  • Long title: limited to 30 words. The long title will be used for judging. It should succinctly describe the content of the abstract.
  • A long abstract (1000 words) for evaluation and scoring by the Scientific Committee. Abstracts should be organized according to the following structure:
  1. Introduction/Purpose
  2. Methods
  3. Results
  4. Discussion/Conclusion; The last sentence of the conclusions should include a short sentence stating the scientific or clinical relevance of the presented work.
  • An optional figure may be uploaded for judging purposes but will not be published.
  • A short abstract (250 words) for the Proceedings and publication in Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound. This should summarize the contents of the long abstract. Short abstracts will not contain any headings. Information should be organized as described under long abstracts. Do not include any formatting in the text (bold, italics, underline) or paragraph structure.


Abstract Categories

  • There will only be one category for this year’s meeting: Scientific Presentations. Posters and Educational Exhibits will not be accepted.

Scientific Presentation

Scientific presentations are hypothesis-driven research, with completed or initial results presented in oral format.

  • Abstract
    A short and long abstract will be required as outlined above.
  • Presentations
    Authors will be required to register for the meeting and attend in person. Details regarding length of the presentation will be communicated after acceptance. Abstracts will be published in Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound.


Submit your abstract.

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