ACVR SocietyNews

Congrats to’s Case of the Year Winner!

So many great cases in 2024...congratulations to our winner!

Congratulations to the University of Georgia for winning the 2024 Case of the Year on!

We received plenty of great Society Cases of the Month in 2024.  Big thanks to all contributors and mentors for providing such cool cases.  To celebrate, ACVR-society presidents and administration were tasked to choose the five best from the year.  Below are the five picks. ACVR members can now vote on the best of the best…

  1. 22-year-old mare: For ACVR members of a certain age, “nuc-med camp” brings back some fond or maybe not-so-fond memories.  Some of us have nightmares thinking of sestamibi being one boards.  What better way to bring back those memories than this awesome case of the month? … brought to us by the folks at U. of Florida and the Large Animal Diagnostic Imaging Society (LADIS).
  2. 16-year-old cat:  This case comes to us from a “Friend of the ACVR”, a category that does away with modality and species-specific restrictions to Case of the Month… file this one under “The answer is right there on the RADIOGRAPHS”.  Thanks to the crew at Tufts for providing us with this excellent case, a disease that has received some recent re-evaluation in the Journal of Vet Internal Medicine.
  3. 18-month-old Boxer: A Veterinary Ultrasound Society fave also has some cool radiographs to go with it… pretty classic stuff!  Thanks to Drs. Annie Faragher and Mason Wanamaker for the contribution.
  4. 10-year-old DLH:  Now before you start complaining about all the nuclear medicine this year…. look at the rads!  Classic stuff.  This was an actual contribution to the Society of Vet Nuclear Medicine.  They did not have a lot of contributions this year,  but when they did submit, they brought their A-game!  Big thanks to the folks at Gulf Coast Vet Specialists for this one.
  5. 7-year-old Standard Poodle: In the category of “Wild Muscuoloskeletal cases from the CT/MR society”, this one takes the cake.  Big thanks to the University of Georgia and their work on this case…. the labeling of the anatomy was terrific!!  Muscle attachment anatomy in this region can always stand a refresh.

The winner (first author) received a brand spanking new copy of Thrall’s Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology, 8th Ed (edited by Drs. Seiler and Thrall).