
A Preview of #ACVR2024 Conference Keynote – Dr. Bobbi Conner

Adult Learning and How to Better Teach Yourself as You Age

In this two-part series, we’ll discuss what science knows (and doesn’t) about how we learn and how we remember. I’ll share tools and techniques to enhance deep learning and long-term memory. I’ll also dispel some common myths about learning. Understanding how our brains work to learn (and recall) knowledge can help us more effectively incorporate new information, regardless of age or stage of our careers.

With a solid foundation of metacognition, we can then start to dig into the science of unlearning, which is different from passive forgetting. What are some of barriers to learning new, and sometimes radically different, ideas? We’ll discuss how learning and unlearning can change as we get older and why it feels harder to teach old dogs new tricks.

You’ll finish this series with a better understanding of the power and limitations of your own brain and how to harness that understanding to become a more efficient and effective learner.