Arthur Robert ‘Bob” Twardock (1931-2021)
Dr. Bob Twardock passed away on Friday, September 3, 2021. The son of James Arthur and Irma Harms Twardock, Bob was born on July 20, 1931 in Normal, Illinois.
Dr. Twardock earned both his undergraduate and veterinary degrees (1956) at the University of Illinois. It was at the University of Illinois where he met his wife, Mary Sabina Kent, of Champaign. They married on September 4, 1954, in Champaign, and they enjoyed 67 years of a loving partnership centered in respect, faith and family.
After practicing in Danville, Illinois for a year, Bob earned a PhD from Cornell University and joined the University of Illinois faculty in 1962. In addition to his innovative research and clinical service, he was known as a caring teacher and dedicated statesman within the college. He served as associate dean for academic affairs, interim dean of the college, and chair of the college’s 50th anniversary celebration in 1998-99.
He was a pioneer in the field of equine nuclear medicine. Working with Dr. Michael Devous, he developed non-invasive techniques using a gamma camera to diagnose equine lameness and lung problems that otherwise went undetected by conventional diagnostic techniques. Bob was one of four editors of Equine Scintigraphy, 2003, the first textbook devoted entirely to this topic. He also led equine nuclear medicine workshops that were attended by veterinarians from 30 states and from countries including Italy and Australia.
Dr. Twardock retired in 1999 and was frequently involved in college activities during his retirement, including making appearances with his barbershop quartet at college events. In 1981 he received the Loyalty Award from the University of Illinois Alumni Association.
He passed on his love and legacy of faith, music, adventure and the University of Illinois to his children and grandchildren.
Bob is survived by his wife, Mary; four children and eight grandchildren.