Veterinary Professionals

At its core, the mission of the American College of Veterinary Radiology is fulfilled by partnering with primary care veterinarians and veterinary technicians to provide comprehensive health care.  Radiology residency training programs (in General Diagnostic Imaging, Equine Diagnostic Imaging, and Radiation Oncology) require support from other specialty organizations and from more than one radiologist.  Daily interactions with veterinary technologists allow radiologists to support quality control of imaging studies and to maintain radiation safety standards.  Radiologists and radiation oncologists work the “frontline” of veterinary medicine, consulting general practitioners on optimal imaging tests, educational materials, and therapeutic options.

Radiology residents and society members (Friends of the ACVR) have access to a multitude of educational resources, including ACVR society discussions and case studies.

Sample Society Cases of the Month

A more detailed learning resource is currently being developed, to include an in-training examination for all residents as they progress through their 3 or 4-year programs.

Other Online teaching resources