Research News

Congratulations 2020 ACVR Resident Research Grant Recipients!

A total of four resident research grants were accepted by the Research Grant Committee

The ACVR Grant Committee awarded a total of four resident research grants for 2020.  The recipients and their research titles are listed below.  These recipients join other award winners from past years in submitting high quality research proposals relevant to veterinary radiology.  This year the competition was fierce!

Dr. Andrea Merly, Auburn University.  Effects of alfaxalone on splenic size in cats based on CT and ultrasound.  The grant was funded by the ACVR. – $6767.

Dr. Elizabeth Acutt, Colorado State University. Contrast enhanced computed tomography to validate ultrasound-guided injection technique of the cranial tibial artery in horses.  The grant was funded by the ACVR-Large Animal Diagnostic Imaging Society. – $7500.

Dr. Oren Ofer, Ontario Veterinary College. Environmental bacterial surveillance and the effect of visual cleaning reminders on bacterial contamination in the veterinary diagnostic imaging suite.  The grant was funded by the ACVR.  – $6960.

Dr. Maura Cicci, North Carolina State University.  Comparison of VIBE, PETRA, and UTE MRI sequences and standard T2W, PD, and T1W MRI sequences with CT for evaluation of the canine skull.  The grant was funded by the ACVR CT/MRI Society. – $7500.

On behalf of President Alexander, the ACVR Grant Committee and all ACVR Diplomates, CONGRATULATIONS! … now get to work on some data!


An adorably normal cat's spleen... wonder what alfaxolone will do to it?